Thursday, May 12, 2016

Why the Terms Conservative, Liberal, Republican and Democrat No Longer Apply In 2016 - by rggipson


     My wife and I went this week end to see "Captain America: Civil War" at our local movie theater. Upon purchasing the tickets, the young man at the ticket window said to me, "Captain America or Ironman"? Not understanding what he said, I asked him to repeat himself. He replied "Are you for team Captain America or team Ironman? Puzzled at the question, I just took our tickets, entered theater 4 and found some great seats in the middle of the back row. Still having 30 minutes before the show started, I started to ponder, southern term for thinking, about his question, "Team Captain America or Ironman".
     I'm sharing that with you because that is where we are being asked to do in this political season, choose between Republican or Democrat, Conservative or Liberal. However, are these labels still valid in this 2016 election cycle? At the top levels of our government is there any difference between them? Government has a 8% favorable rating, now, if your favorite restaurant had that rating no one would go there. Personally, other that a dozen or so congressmen and a few senators, they ALL have been corrupted by MONEY and POWER. There is NO DIFFERENCE with their ideology! Liberal and Conservative terms have been corrupted. Liberal as in Thomas Jefferson or Obama? Conservative as in Rand Paul or Marco Rubio? These terms can mean anything from A to Z.
     In this 2016 election cycle the only political terms that apply are 'Nationalism' and 'Globalism'. It Tump has done nothing else, he has pulled back the curtain revealing the corruption, lunacy of the NWO globalist that run this country and want to run it into the ground.
     'Team Trump and the Nationalist' or 'Team Clinton and the Globalist'. Our children and grandchildren will have to live with what we decide in November.