Friday, November 4, 2016

Official Press Release on Oath Keepers Operation Sabo

press release, written on vintage metal texture

Press Release
For Immediate Release
Wednesday October 25, 2016
Operation Sabot 

The Oath Keepers is calling on members to form up incognito intelligence gathering and crime spotting teams and go out into public in their local communities on election day, dressed to blend in with the public, without any Oath Keepers hat or T shirt on, and with video, still camera, and notepad in hand, to look for and document suspected criminal vote fraud or intimidation activities, by any individuals, groups, or parties, and then report those incidents to local police. 

We are asking our members Do NOT attempt to stop the suspected criminal activity or confront those committing it. Just spot it, document it, and report it to local and state law enforcement, encouraging and helping them to do their jobs. 

In particular, we are calling on our retired police officers, our military intelligence veterans, and our Special Warfare veterans (who are well trained in covert observation and intelligence gathering) to take the lead and apply their considerable training in investigation, intelligence gathering, and field-craft to help stop voter fraud. We ask that those most highly trained and experienced Oath Keepers members form up the intel gathering and crime spotting teams, and then lead those teams of Oath Keepers on election day. Rank and file members are, of course, encouraged to participate, and please do also invite your friends and family to help, but please let our most experienced LEO/military experts in your local chapters provide you with leadership and guidance on how to do it right.

 For more information please see the following link: