Monday, November 7, 2016

Why 'WE THE PEOPLE' Have Already Won ...... Even if Trump Loses! by Robert Gipson

November, 8, 2016 is not an election date, it is a 'SELECTION' date. It has been decided by the Ruling Elite long ago that Hillary Clinton would be the next puppet for the Globalist NWO. We no longer are a Constitutional Republic, but, slaves to a Corporate Ruling Class. With the defeat of Donald Trump they fully expect the American People to get back on the couch, watch TV and continue our obedient servitude to them. SORRY ..... NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!

Yes, you will have your programmed masses of weak, intellectual ZEROS that jump to everything you say. Yes, you will have those dependent on your handouts. No, you won't have the heart of this country, which is the everyday, hardworking Americans who will not submit or obey to your oppression and tyranny.

This movement, this uprising of Americans, this '2nd Revolution' to take our country back isn't contingent on a Trump victory. That's what the left fails to recognize. Trump is just the figure head of a rising tide in America of everyday hardworking and really 'Pissed Off' citizens who have had enough with the 'Ruling Elite' in this country. By openly STEALING this election, you will have exposed yourselves, we know who you are. WE WILL arrest you, WE WILL Try you in a Court of Law, and YOU WILL be punished for your crimes. 

Tens of Millions of Active Military, Police, Veterans and Patriots will never willingly let you complete your takeover of our country. We will take back our country on way or another, but, do not doubt us, WE WILL take back AMERICA.   

We the People will no longer be slaves to the EVIL and CORRUPT people running this country. We the People will no longer obey your unconstitutional laws. Like 'Toto' pulling back the curtain on the Wizard, We the People have seen what and who is behind that curtain.