Bus Evacuation Drills
"In a theme repeated over and over across America, your child is forced by government regulation, that allows your school to put your child on board a school bus, in a mock disaster drill. Sometimes, the school bus will exit school grounds drive a short distance and return to the school and the children exist and return to class. Sometimes, the children merely board the bus, listen to a lecture about school safety and then return to class. On the surface, these bus evacuation drills appear to be a necessary and proper means to get our children to practice against a potential disaster. That is what I thought until September 23, 2011 and FEMA introduced a drill and a civilian “defense” strategy called Operation Mountain Guardian."
Operation Mountain Guardian
"At your children’s school, you cannot even have your child’s aunt pick them up unless she is registered with the school and shows identification. However, these rules do not apply to various governmental agencies because they feel that they own your children.
On September 23, 2011, children, without warning, were abducted from their Denver Public Schools, without the permission of their parents, by FEMA and taken to the Colorado Sports Authority football stadium. This set a precedent that FEMA can literally kidnap children from their schools without parental permission or notification. This is outrageous!
As a part of the drill, several busloads of school children were taken to Sports Authority Field along with their teachers. Surrogate parents were hired by FEMA to attempt to pick up their children at the stadium. The training was apparently a desensitization exercise for security personnel designed to refuse demands to pick up their children from these “pretend” parents. The real parents of these children were not properly notified that their children would be transported to the stadium and would be a part of this disaster drill.
As a parent, I have a major issue when government officials refused to release children to their parents because the authority over a child belongs to the parent, not to a government agency.
In the latter part of the event, as parents discovered that some of their children were likely transported to the stadium, some parents attempted to go to the venue and secure their children. When they did so, at least initially, the children were not released to the parents. Again, who is the sovereign, the government or the people?
Speaking of Denver International Airport, explain the meaning of the above depiction which was displayed for years near airport baggage.
During Operation Mountain Guardian, the elite were flown into Denver International Airport from which they disappeared, presumably underground, for the three days that the drill lasted. Meanwhile, on the surface, children were being abducted from their classrooms by government officials from FEMA."